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选择的病例是约翰·瑞安,他经历了由于脊柱狭窄和左髋关节退行性变引起的慢性疼痛。这种情况使得约翰必须减少在家里的功能和活动水平,包括避免负重、过度锻炼,甚至过度锻炼身体。为了从这场疾病中康复,约翰必须保持耐心,因为他的病情需要时间才能稳定下来。稍微超重可能会增加问题,因为他的脚相当周,额外的重量在他们是不可取的(Dooley, 2014)。至关重要的是向患者提供信息和意识,以便为他们提供更好的卫生保健,注册护士在确定这些因素方面发挥重要作用。此外,必须注重提供高质量的卫生保健,这不仅包括关注患者的身体健康,还包括他们的精神健康(Polit & Beck, 2008)。很有可能的是,一个长期遭受病痛折磨的病人会因为沮丧而抑郁,拒绝药物治疗或照顾他。在这种情况下,通过注册护士进行咨询可以帮助确保更好的帮助水平和卫生保健质量(Schultz, 2014)。


现在的问题是约翰对自己的处境感到沮丧,痛苦和沮丧让他感到无助。非常重要的是,他明白在他的情况下休息和药物治疗的重要性(Schultz, 2014)。为了改变他的生活方式和锻炼方式,集中精力恢复对他来说变得极其重要。只有到那时,他才有可能被治愈。问题是约翰不知道需要什么,也不知道什么能帮助他显著改善健康状况。此外,他没有意识到时间,这将需要他的健康改善,所以他感到沮丧(Chiarella, 2012)。训练有素和经验丰富的护士在这种情况下会有很大的帮助,因为他们通过教育和经验接受了广泛和密集的培训,这有助于他们表现得更好,并通过他们的经验和对情况的理解帮助患者(Burns & Grove, 1993)。


The case chosen is of John Ryan wherein he experiences chronic pain due to spinal stenosis and degeneration of the left hip. This condition makes it essential that John reduces the level of function and activity at home which includes avoiding heavy weights, exercising excessively or even taking too much of physical strain. In order to recover from this illness, John has to remain patient as it would take time for his position to stabilize. Being slightly overweight could be adding to the problem as his feet are quite week and extra weight on them is not advisable (Dooley, 2014). It is extremely essential that there is delivery of information and awareness to patients, so that there is better health care provided to them and a registered nurse has an important role in establishing these factors. Moreover, there has to be focus on delivering quality health care which includes focus not only on the physical health of patients, but also on their mental health (Polit & Beck, 2008). It is quite likely that a patient suffering from pain and long term illness gets depressed and refuses medication or taking care of him due to frustration. In such times, counselling through a registered nurse can help ensure better levels of help and quality in health care (Schultz, 2014).


The current issue is that John is frustrated with his situation where in pain and depression is making him feel helpless. It is extremely important that he understands the importance of rest in his situation along with medication (Schultz, 2014). It becomes extremely important for him to focus on being rehabilitated in order to alter his lifestyle and exercise patterns. Only then, it would be possible for him to be cured. The issue is that John does not understand what is required and what would help him improve his health significantly. Moreover, he is not aware about the time, it would take for his health to improve and so he is frustrated (Chiarella, 2012). A trained and experienced nurse is of great help in such situations as they are trained extensively and intensively through their education and experience, which helps them perform better and help the patients through their experience and understanding of situations (Burns & Grove, 1993).

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