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包豪斯是德国著名的艺术学校,在1919年至1933年间运作。这所艺术学校是由德国建筑师沃尔特·格罗佩斯(Walter Gropius,2002年)在德国魏玛市创立的。这门艺术学院的主要目标是一个激进的概念。这个激进的概念是重新想象整个物质世界,展示各种艺术的统一。学校成立的目的是为了使艺术和设计结合在一起,包括艺术、建筑、雕塑和绘画。根据Droste(2002),“后七十年成立在魏玛,包豪斯已经成为一个概念,事实上世界各地的标语”(p。6)。学校的课程是基于工艺是工匠和设计师,这样他们可以成为有效的工匠和设计师和能够创建美丽的和有用的对象。这门课程发展成新的“风格”,后来被称为“包豪斯风格”。这位教师的作品获得了巨大的声誉,许多著名的艺术家都与学校有联系。由Johannes Itten、Lazlo Moholynagy和Josef Albers在包豪斯使用的一些重要的教学策略在艺术和设计学院的课程中得到了国际上的改编,这些策略在世界各地仍然盛行(Bergdoll & Dickerman,2009)。


The Bauhaus was the famous German Art School that was operational between the period of 1919 and 1933. This art school was founded in the city of Weimar in Germany, by the German architect called Walter Gropius (Droste, 2002). The main objective of this school of arts was a radical concept. This radical concept was to re-imagine the entire material world and display the unity of all kinds of arts. The school was set up to reunite art and design that included the combination of art, architecture, sculpture, and painting in the single creative form. According to Droste (2002), “seventy years after its foundation in Weimar, the Bauhaus has become a concept, indeed a catchphrase all over the world” (p. 6). The curriculum of the school was craft based that was for artisans as well as for the designers so that they could become the efficient artisans and designers and would be able to create beautiful and useful objects. This curriculum developed as new “style” that was later called as the “Bauhaus Style”. The teacher working the Bauhas received great fame and many leading artists of those times were associated with school. Some of the significant teaching strategies used in the Bauhaus by Johannes Itten, Lazlo Moholynagy and Josef Albers were internationally adapted in the curriculum of art and design institutes and these strategies are still flourishing all over the world (Bergdoll & Dickerman, 2009).

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