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产权细节的押金意味着人们要创造一种被视为证据的抵押贷款。在这些案件中,所有权契约被保存在一个视图中,以确保通过动产或质押的过程来获得安全的监护权。抵押条款的设立可以不经抵押人将产权契约与抵押权人约定的形式签订。在这个过程中有一个存款。这种存款是一种充分的行为,是在欺诈行为之外的交易的一部分。这种情况可以更好地理解为“新南威尔士州银行的枢密院”(1889年),282年的273(雪利)。在承诺的情况下,天空在这种情况下会有更好的杠杆作用。将会有一种更公平的利益,由安全条款创造。其主要目的是创造一种可以用书面证据建立的抵押贷款。双方意图的证据将赋予天空更多的影响力,将土地卖给公司的另一位董事。如果双方已经达成了口头协议,那么双方将会考虑双方的意愿。然而,在口头协议的情况下,很难确定各方的意图。然而,“Wallis & Simmonds(建筑商)有限公司[1974]1 WLR 391 at 395”的案例将会更加理解法院如何决定这些活动。可以暗示,天空本可以将产品卖给另一位董事,在这种情况下,杠杆率更高。


The deposit of the title details entails the person to create a mortgage that is viewed as a matter of evidence. The title deeds in these cases are deposited with a view to ensure that the safe custody is done through the process of chattels or a pledge. It is possible for creation of the mortgage terms without the forms of written agreement where the mortgagor deposits the title deed with the mortgagee. There is a deposit that is done in this process. This deposit is a sufficient act that is part of the transaction which falls outside the Statute of Frauds. This situation can be better comprehended by the case of “Privy Council in Bank of New South Wales v O’Connor (1889) 14 AC 273 at 282” (Sherry, 2016). In the case of pledge, Sky would have better leverage in this case. There would be a better equitable interest that would be created by the terms of the security. The primary intention is to create a mortgage that can be established with written evidence. The evidence of the intention of the parties would have given Sky more leverage to sell the land to the other director of the company. If they had entered into a verbal agreement between the parties, then there would be the intention of both the parties that would be considered. However, in the case of verbal agreement, it would be difficult to establish the intent of the parties. However, the case of “Wallis & Simmonds (builders) Ltd [1974] 1 WLR 391 at 395” would give more comprehension as to how the courts would determine the activities. It can be alluded that Sky could have sold the product to the other director in this case with more leverage.

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