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就商业而言,需要自我保护。然而,这种自我保护不能凌驾于其他政策之上。在这种自我保护的情况下,政府制定了一套程序上的公平。在这一过程中,企业往往会感到困惑,并想方设法满足公平制度,并确保自我保护。公司必须确保他们保持一定程度的保密,以确保有增长和竞争优势(Donaldson和Dunfee, 1994)。在这种维护商业秘密的过程中,公司不能隐瞒他们的业绩。这是一个需要正确解释的微妙立场。所有的利益相关者都必须意识到实际情况。因此,必须考虑到自我保护和社会规范的任务。公司需要权衡他们如何公平地做出贡献,同时保持商业机密(Donaldson和Dunfee, 1994)。

为了适当地确保有程序公正,公司需要考虑利益相关者理论。利益相关者理论与股东理论不同。涉众被定义为与公司的运作程序有关的个人或公司。就企业而言,它指的是员工、环境、当地社区、相关企业、股东以及公司的投资者。企业必须考虑所有利益相关者,而不是关注公司的股东。另一方面,股东理论只关注公司的投资者(Crane和Matten, 2016)。根据道德要求,公司必须专注于业务的所有方面,而员工是与业务相关的。这将增加公司的信誉,并确保公司的长期生存。


In the case of business, there is a need for self-preservation. However, this self-preservation must not override the other policies. In this situation of self-preservation, there is a set of procedural fairness that has been set forth by the governments. In this process, the businesses are often confounded and look for ways to meet the fair system and ensure that self-preservation is maintained. It is imperative for the companies to ensure that they maintain a certain degree of secrecy in order to ensure that there is growth and competitive advantage (Donaldson and Dunfee, 1994). In this maintaining of trade secrets the company must not hide their performance. This is a nuanced stand that needs to be explained properly. All the stakeholders must be aware of the real facts of the situation. Hence there must be factoring in of the self-preservation and social normative mandates. The company needs to weigh in the ways in which they can contribute fairly and at the same time maintain trade secrets (Donaldson and Dunfee, 1994).

To appropriately ensure that there is a procedural justice, the companies need to consider the stakeholder theory. The stakeholder theory is different from the shareholder theory. A stakeholder is defined as individual or corporations who are related to the operational procedures of a company. In the case of a business, it refers to the employees, environment, local communities, related businesses, shareholders and also investors of the company. It is imperative for a business to consider all the stakeholders apart from focusing on the shareholders of the company. Shareholder theory on the other hand focusses only on the investors of the company (Crane and Matten, 2016). According to the ethical mandates, a company must focus on all the aspects of the business and the people are who are related to the business. This would increase the credibility of the company and also ensure the long-term sustenance of the company.

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