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酒店业本身必须努力控制废物。正如Erika Oblak所说:“当我开始研究旅游时,显然废物是其主要环境影响之一。酒店,餐厅和其他设施使用大量产品,通常以个人一次性塑料包装交付和包装。例如,酒店客房内的小塑料香波和肥皂瓶。或在早餐时供应橘子果酱,蜂蜜和黄油的个人包装“(Oblak,2017,第3段)。因此,这个行业本身正在导致更多的废物贡献。

作者将这些包装的数量乘以酒店床位的数量,过夜停留等等,并且能够理解旅馆自己产生了多少废物。酒店为了创造更好的废物管理,首先必须不堵塞现有的市政系统,并且这样做必须减少一次性塑料包装的使用。这些问题也在其他地方确定。例如,考虑马尔代夫的Thilafushi岛,浪费被扔进泻湖并烧毁(Busuttil,2016)。该行业必须采取措施进行改进。塞浦路斯,亚洲和其他太平洋岛屿也有类似的问题(Briassoulis,2002; Altinay和Hussain,2005; Buckley,2002)。


The hospitality industry in itself must strive to control wastes. As Erika Oblak states, “When I started researching tourism, it became obvious that waste is one of its major environmental impacts. Hotels, restaurants and other facilities use a huge amount of products, very often delivered and packed in personal single use plastic packaging. For example, small plastic shampoo and soap bottles in hotel rooms. Or personal packaging for marmalade, honey and butter served at breakfast” (Oblak, 2017, para. 3). Therefore, here the industry itself was leading to more contribution in waste.

The author multiplied the number of these packaging across the number of hotel beds, overnight stays and more and was able to understand how much of waste is generated by the hostels themselves. Hotels in order to create better waste management must first not clog the existing municipal system, and to do this must reduce the usage of disposable plastic packaging. Such issues are identified elsewhere, too. For instance, consider the Thilafushi Island in the Maldives, where waste is thrown into lagoons and burnt (Busuttil, 2016). The industry has to take steps to improve. Similar issues are reported in Cyprus, Asia and other Pacific Islands (Briassoulis, 2002; Altinay and Hussain, 2005; Buckley, 2002).

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