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三重底线期望企业公司能以信誉行事,并报告真实的事实。没有通用的标准方法用于三重底线。用于这三个因素的变量可以被操纵以适应原始公司的议程。这既是一种力量,也是一种软弱。实力的领域是,有一个通用框架用于实体或政策的需要(Bhattacharya,2016)。企业和政府机构用这种方法来衡量环境的可持续性,以减少垃圾填埋场开发中固体废物的数量。然而,一家当地的大型运输公司在考虑乘客里程时,可能会错过成功的标准。另一方面,寻求利润的公司可以根据每股收益来衡量它。因此,三重底线的使用可以解决这些不同的问题。附加的主观条款创造了公司的津贴,以操纵他们将要使用的最终数字。实体的级别、项目种类和地理范围表明措施(McWilliams等人,2016年)。目前的实践包括引入利益相关者参与,并在最终的三重底线框架的设计中使用他们的输入。最终,报告的成功依赖于公司的信誉和运营的透明度。澳大利亚环境署(Australian Environmental agency)制定了一些任务和一些规定。然而,他们也依赖于公司的良好意愿和自我激励来报告真实的实践。这是一些公司的优势。使用真正的进度指标(GPI)可以带来25个新变量,用于定义经济、社会和环境因素。


The triple bottom line expects the corporate companies to act with credibility and report the true facts. There is no universal standard method that is used for the Triple Bottom line. The variables that are used for the three factors can be manipulated to suit the agenda of the original companies. This is a strength as well as weakness. The areas of strength are that there is a general framework that is used for the needs of the entities or policies (Bhattacharya, 2016). The business and governmental agencies use this to measure the environmental sustainability to reduce the amount of solid waste that goes into the development of landfills. However, a local mass transit company might miss the measure of success when it considers the passenger miles. On the other hand, a profit seeking company can measure it in terms of the earnings accumulated per share. Owing to this, the use of triple bottom line can address these different. The addition of subjective clause creates the allowance of the company to manipulate the final figures that they would use. The levels of entity, the kind of project and the geographical scope indicate the measures (McWilliams et al., 2016). The current practices include bringing in stakeholder participation and using their input in designing of the final Triple bottom line framework. Ultimately, the success of the reporting is dependent on the credibility of the company and its transparency in operation. There are some mandates and some regulations that are defined by the Australian Environmental agency to report. Nevertheless, they also depend on the good will and the self-motivation of the company to report the true practices. This is used as an advantage by some companies. The use of Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI) can bring in 25 new variables that are used for the definition of the economic, social and environmental factors.

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