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泄密的行为是一个英雄,但有些人滥用这种情况对自己的个人原因。告密者必须奖励挺身而出的行为,也提供了足够的安全。经常告密者变成了替罪羊,因为人们想“这个奇怪的人是谁洗家丑不可外扬?是什么让他们做出选择?他们为什么要这样做呢?”(p.207 Paitner-Morland & Bos,2011)。然而商业组织必须意识到这个奇怪的人就是帮助他们留在合规措施。告密者的权利实际上使所有利益相关者在一个公司。报告的权利的伦理关注现在承诺每个人。错误的指控也必须由联邦政府严重处理。然而哨子吹了不负责任的不作为的员工的发展伦理问题(Kaptein,2011),因此,尽管它的模糊性问题,必须支持组织的道德利益的保护。


The act of whistle-blowing is a heroic one, but there are people who misuse this situation for their own personal reasons. The whistleblowers must be rewarded for the act of coming forward and also provided enough security. Often the whistleblower becomes a scapegoat as people wonder “who is this strange person who washes dirty linen in public? What makes them tick? Why would they do that?” (Paitner-Morland & Bos, 2011, p.207). However business organizations have to realize that this strange person is what helps them to stay within compliance measures. The whistleblower rights actually empower all stakeholders in a company.The rights of reporting for an ethical concern are now pledged to everyone. False accusations must also be dealt with severely by the federal government. However whistle blowing saves the employees from irresponsible inaction in the progression of ethical issues (Kaptein, 2011) and hence this action, despite its ambiguity concerns, must be protected for supporting the ethical interests of organizations.



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