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自9 / 11事件发生以来,世界各地的穆斯林已经成为边缘化和歧视的第一个受害者。这是因为911袭击的肇事者是穆斯林,这也使得无辜的穆斯林受到了指责。主要原因是宗教被用来为恐怖袭击辩护。阿拉伯之春导致数百万逃离埃及、利比亚、叙利亚和其他国家的人逃离家园,他们被迫在其他地方寻求庇护。自2001年以来,被迫流离失所和难民人口不断增加。尽管欧洲是最容易敲门的地方,但即使是像澳大利亚、美国、亚洲和加拿大这样遥远的地方,也已成为重新安置的首选地区。虽然穆斯林占加拿大总人口的3%,但宗教信仰的增长却急剧增加,这是发展最快的宗教。具有讽刺意味的不是这种宗教的发展,而是关于他们所依附的意识形态,并不断为自己至高无上的地位感到自豪。伊斯兰教与世界各地的几乎所有重大恐怖袭击都有联系,而宗教在媒体、社交媒体、政治和社会活动人士中更受关注。然而,尽管人们普遍认为大多数穆斯林都不威胁并拒绝伊斯兰教,但西方国家仍然反对穆斯林在他们的土地上继续存在(McElveen,2011)。


Ever since the 9/11 incident in the US, Muslims across the world have become the first victims of marginalisation and discrimination. It is because the perpetrators of the 9/11 attack were Muslims, and this also made the innocent Muslims bear the brunt of the blame. The primary reason for this is the religion which was used to justify terror attacks. The Arab spring gave rise to millions of people fleeing their homeland from Egypt, Libya, Syria and other nations, who were displaced forcefully to seek shelter elsewhere. Since 2001, there has been a constant rise in forced displacements and refugee population. While Europe has been the easiest place to knock the doors, even distant locations like Australia, US, Asia and Canada have become preferred regions for resettlement. Although Muslim formed about 3% of the total Canadian population, there has been a drastic increase in the growth of the religion, terming as the fastest growing religion. The irony is not about the growth of this religion, but it is about the ideology with which they are attached to and constantly pride themselves about their supremacy. Islam has always been linked with almost all major terror attacks across the world, and the religion finds itself more cornered across media, social media and political and social activists. However, despite a consensus that most Muslims are non-threatening and reject Islam motivated terrorism, western nations continue to remain averse to Muslims continuous presence on their lands (McElveen, 2011).

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