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丽莎是一个25岁的未婚女孩,来到精神科。她穿着整洁的衣服,干净的鞋子,手和指甲保养得很好。她说,她注意到自己的行为存在一些重大问题。她告诉我,当她办公室里有人带着个人问题来找她时,她感觉不好。她的一位同事在一次事故中失去了母亲,另一位则有一个患有癌症的弟弟。她说她不能听他们的话,甚至不能忍受谈论这一切。她还告知她办公室的人说她麻木不仁、毫无同情心(Pincus, Dowgwillo & Greenberg, 2016)。她自己听不到这样的话,常常生气。从她获得的主观数据表明,她缺乏同理心,不愿意与他人进行同理心的交流。她独自来到精神科诊所。


她在一家声誉卓著的公司担任高级经理一职。在她很小的时候,她就得到了更高的职位和更高的待遇,她非常有能力。因此,她获得了很多成功。然而,她深为不安、痛苦和极度警惕所苦。她有一种非常完美主义的行为,认为她有其他人所不具备的特殊能力和潜力(Kramer et al., 2014)。因此,她和办公室里的其他员工都有问题,当有人试图和她说话时,她会感到气愤。当她只有两岁的时候,她的父亲离开了她和她的母亲嫁给了另一个女人。她一年只去看她父亲几次。她父亲事业有成,家庭和睦,又生了三个孩子。随着Lisa的成长,她不断的寻找别人对她的认可和赞扬,她无法抵抗别人的批评、无知和缺乏积极关注的感觉。


Lisa is a 25 year’s old unmarried girl, came to the psychiatric department. She was well dressed with ironed clothes, clean shoes and well maintained hands and nails. She said that she had some significant problem with her behaviour that she is noticing. She informed that she does not feel good when anyone in her office comes to her with their personal problem. One of her colleague lost her mother in an accident and other had a brother, who is suffering from cancer. She informed that she cannot listen to them and cannot even stand talking about all this. She also informed that people in her office call her insensitive and unempathic (Pincus, Dowgwillo & Greenberg, 2016). She cannot hear such words for herself and often feels angry. The subjective data obtained from her informs that she lack empathy and she is unwilling to get engage in an empathetic process with others. She had come alone to the psychiatric clinic.


She works in a very reputed organization at the position of a senior manager. In very young age, she received a higher position and higher package and she is extremely competent. Therefore, she received so much of success. However, she suffers from deep insecurity, agony and hyper vigilance. She has a very perfectionist behaviour and considered that she has special capabilities and potential that no other person possesses (Kramer et al., 2014). Therefore, she experience problem with rest of the staff in the office and feels resentful when anybody try to talk to her. Her father had left her and her mother to get married to another woman, when she was only two years old. She visited her father only few times in a year. Her father was successful and had a harmonic family with three more children. As Lisa grew up, she continuously started looking for other people’s approval and praise for her and she could not resist the feeling of criticism, ignorance and lack of positive attention from others.

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