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由于各种各样的原因,顾客价值与市场营销直接相关。如果营销是有效的,那么客户价值的唯一要素就会增加。任何产品的功能价值都是非常重要的,客户总是在一开始就寻找功能价值。在查看功能值后,需要对实验值及其元素进行检查。例如,如果一个营销人员没有在品牌和顾客之间建立正确的联系,产品没有触及顾客价值的感官或情感元素,那么重复购买就不会发生(Yi and Gong, 2013)。客户值中的下一个元素是产品的符号值。这个值解释了特定产品或服务与客户的自我表达和关系。当这一步完成后,下一步就是实现经济价值,即客户为了得到产品或服务而牺牲并承担机会成本。


借助像维多利亚女王冬夜这样好的营销手段,顾客可以享受到最好的冬季体验。这个市场通过不同的摊位将顾客联系起来,这些摊位与来自世界各地的人们有着情感上的联系。墨尔本是澳大利亚最拥挤的城市之一,这个城市的多样性很高。来自世界各地的人们肯定会想念他们的家,他们在寻找一些东西,使他们接近他们所拥有的。维多利亚女王夜市销售其产品和摊位的方式,客户价值的两个基本元素:实验和功能是在同一时间完成(YTN在冬夜市场-青年旅游网络,2015)。在这个市场中,顾客喜欢一次又一次的光顾,从而使顾客忠诚。游客们经常通过评论来表达他们的感受,他们等了一年才来参加这个节日集市,因为它让他们想起了他们的家乡。当满足了客户价值的两个基本元素时,它们就会指向其他基本元素。当顾客的自我表达和意义与市场相联系时,符号价值就实现了。顾客忠诚度是通过顾客保留来实现的,顾客保留是通过重复购买来实现的。这是维多利亚女王夜市常见的连锁反应(Yi and Yong, 2013)。


The term marketing is not new. It is present in the market for ages but it has changed various names from time to time. Names have changed but the concept of marketing and the idea of buying and selling the products has remained constant (Kotler and Armstrong, 2006). Previously, goods were sold on the basis of selling and buying concept. Today, the idea of buying and selling has gone beyond buying and selling. Now, customers are looking for customer value; something that is close to them has some emotional value and can fulfil the need of building a relationship with the product. All these elements have been fulfilled by doing the right marketing at the right time. This essay will guide in explaining the concepts of marketing and customer value. Example of Queen Victoria winter light will be used for explaining these concepts. The concept of customer value has not changed since the inception. Malhotra (2008) commented that the four elements of customer value have remained constant with the passage of time. These elements include: functional, experimental, symbolic and cost value. All these elements are connected with the experience of the customer with that particular product. Marketers have introduced a variety of concepts and ideas that can help these elements of customer value and will be explained in the rest of the discussion.

Customer value is directly connected with marketing because of various reasons. If marketing is effective, then the only elements of customer value will be increased. Functional value of any product is very important and customer always looks for the functional value in the beginning. After the functional value experimental value is looked and its elements need to be checked. For example, if a marketer has failed to establish the right connection between the brand and customer and the product has failed to touch the sensory or emotional element of customer value, then repeat purchase won’t happen (Yi and Gong, 2013). Next element in the customer value is the symbolic value of the product. This value explains the self-expression and relationship of the particular product or service with the customer. When this step is fulfilled the next step is to fulfil the economic value where the customer sacrifices and bears the opportunity cost just to get the product or service.


With the help of good marketing like in Queen Victoria winter night, customers have the best experience of winter. This market connects the customers through different stalls that are emotionally linked with people coming from different parts of the world. Melbourne is among one of the most crowded cities of Australia and diversity is high in this city. People coming from different parts of the world surely miss their homes and they are in search of something that brings them close to what they had. Queen Victoria night market markets its products and stalls in a way that the two basic elements of customer value: experimental and functional are fulfilled at the same time (YTN at the Winter Night Market – Young Tourism Network, 2015). In this market, customers like to visit again and again, thus making the customer loyal. Visitors often express their feelings by commenting that they wait the whole year for attending this festive market because it reminds them of their home town. When two basic elements of customer value are fulfilled, they guide towards other basic elements. Symbolic value is achieved here when customers have their self- expressions and meanings linked with the market. Customer loyalty is achieved by customer retention, which is achieved by repeat purchase. This is a chain reaction that is commonly observed in the Queen Victoria night market (Yi and Yong, 2013).

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