

美国论文代写 论文通

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第三,方言的多样性最可能是第一批定居者定居的地方。其中一位发言者的观点是,当一个人从东方去西方时,很难发现口音上的差异。在西部,南部和北部地区,口音混杂在一起,实际上没有太多区别。因此,从影片中可以看出,人们在经济,社会和文化上的混合程度越高,人们的方言不再彼此陌生的可能性就越大。正如一位谈到康涅狄格州的人士所说,有时地理障碍也可能导致方言的差异。一位社会语言学家舒伊斯说,康涅狄格河是方言传播的障碍。通过人际交往,康涅狄格州的所有人都会说同一种方言。现在他们被诸如“Pahk your cah”这样的方言与“Park your car”区分开来。


Secondly, people are very highly opinionated about their accents and are sensitive to the comments of others about their accent and dialect. This can be attributed to the fact that everybody speaks a different dialect and everybody’s dialect is connected to their understanding of how to speak and how to connect with people, etc. For instance, in the South, people speak more slowly and they might find that people from New York are blunter in how they speak. A Pennsylvania Dutch woman states that she was called as Dutchified, and in a way, it even hurts her. She felt that when she watches television she saw people who spoke differently and she understood that the differences were because they are from a different country. She does not make fun of them because of her understanding, but not everybody is as sensitive.

Thirdly, the most diversity in dialects is most probably where the first settlers settled down. The opinion given by one of the speakers was that when one goes West from East it is much difficult to find difference in accents. In West, Southern and Northern areas, the accents are so mixed up that there is really not much distinction. Therefore, it could be argued from the movie that the more the people mixed economically, socially, culturally, the more the chances were that the dialects of the people were no longer foreign to one another. As a person speaking about Connecticut stated, sometimes geographical barriers could also result in differences in dialects. Shuy a sociolinguist states that the Connecticut river is a barrier for the spread of dialects. With human interaction, all people in Connecticut would speak the same dialect. Now they are differentiated by dialects like “Pahk your cah” from “Park your car”.


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