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career Australia公司于2006年开业,是一所澳大利亚主要的私立培训学院,在全国大约有15个校区(Parker, 2004)。根据ACCC协议,该公司还将进一步告知学生,可以取消债务,可以对员工进行审查和培训,并就未来更好的行为达成协议。然而,该公司违反了这些指控。这种行为包括歪曲事实。该公司表示,这些课程将帮助客户找到工作,或帮助增加人们找到工作的机会,以及提供笔记本电脑和i -pad等激励措施。该公司还声称,这些是免费的,当客户为课程注册时(帕克,2004)。此外,错误的承诺是关于向亚拉巴地区内的土著人社区作出承诺,这些社区从来没有接受过任何以课程为基础的报名。



该公司违反的法律是澳大利亚客户法(ACL)包含在竞争和客户法案2010 Sch 2。根据本条款和ACL第18条,任何人都被禁止误导参与或欺骗态度。这种禁令对商品或服务的供应没有任何限制,这导致在整个经济中建立一个广泛的行为规范(Parker, 2004)。在商业活动中普遍存在着不合理的行为禁令,特别是对不合理行为的禁令。这些都存在于客户的outlook中,某些业务交易也在这个部分中列出。众所周知,当行为特别具有压迫性时,如上文所述,就是不合理的行为。要被认为是不合理的,行为不仅需要是不公平的。这种行为也应该与社会规范所评判的良知相违背。



How actions breached law?

The company, Careers Australia opened the door in the year 2006 and is a major Australian private training college with approximately 15 campuses across the nation (Parker, 2004). Under the ACCC agreement, the company further will tell students that debts can be cancelled, staff could be reviewed and trained, and agreement towards better behaviour in future can be provided. However, the company was in breach of these claims. This behaviour included misrepresentation. It stated that the courses would help customers in finding jobs or will help in increasing the chance of people to get jobs and the inducement offering such as laptops and I-pads. The company also made claims that these were given for free when the signing up was done by the customers for the courses (Parker, 2004). Also, the false promise was with regard to promising the Aboriginal communities within the Yarrabah area which was never given any course based enrolment.

Some of the most disadvantaged and those at vulnerability amongst the customer groups were influenced through such behaviour. It is unacceptable that the company did not keep alerted towards the debts incurred by them. It was also not acceptable that essential capital of commonwealth went towards funding of courses that were never taken into consideration.

Identifying the laws that are breached

The laws that the company breached was Australian customer law (ACL) contained within the Competition and customer Act 2010 Sch 2. According to this and the ACL Section 18, any person is prohibited from misleading engagement or deceptive attitude. Such prohibition does not have any limitation to the goods or services supply and this leads towards creating a broad conduct norm across the economy (Parker, 2004). A general unconscionable conduct ban within commerce and particular bans over conduct of unconscionable nature are present. These are present within the customer’s outlook and certain transactions of business are also laid out within this segment. Conduct is known to be unconscionable when it is especially oppressive such as in this outlined case. To be regarded unconscionable, behaviour needs to be more than only being unfair. The behavior also should be in opposition to the conscience as judged against the societal norms.

A provision such as the one undertaken makes contractual terms within the contracts of customers to be void. A concept is not fair when it can cause any essential imbalance in the rights of the parties as well as obligations that arise under this contract and it is not reasonably required for protecting the legitimate supplier interests and it can cause detriment of financial or non-financial towards a party (Parker, 2004). Particular protections addressing identified business conduct firms is inclusive of provisions. Banning the particular trade or commerce unfair practices is also essential. The ACL is further such that it results in prohibiting specific misleading representations with the unsolicited goods or services supply. This supply was with participation within the schemes of pyramid and practices to involve the prices display with selling of referral and coercion. To deal with goods customer transactions are essential as per the ACL. The ACL helps in providing customer the rights of guaranteed nature for products or services. The ACL also sets domestic rules to govern unsolicited transactions of sales and outlines the lay-by agreements of 5 basic rules over the customer goods safety and services related to products.

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