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本文主要讲述汽车行业分析,财务比率显示了现代汽车2011年至2015年的财务业绩。投资者分析做出投资决策的比率。从2011年到2015年,公司盈利能力有所下降,但显示出积极的价值。然而,从长远来看,该公司可以提高其性能(Stittle and wear, 2008)。如果股东不愿意承担风险,他们可以出售股票。现代汽车的未来性能很难预测。股东可以持有公司的股份,并承担风险以获得更高的回报。但是,公司目前的业绩并不是很差,只是有所下降,股东可以持有股份。本篇essay代写文章由美国论文通AssignmentPass辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The financial ratios show the financial performance of Hyundai motors from the year 2011 to 2015. The investor analyzes the ratio to take investment decisions. The profitability of the company has decreased from the year 2011 to 2015, but it shows positive value. However, the company can increase its performance in the long run (Stittle and Wearing, 2008). The shareholders can sell the shares if they are not willing to take risks. It is difficult to predict the future performance of Hyundai motors. The shareholders can hold the shares of the company and take risks to get higher returns. However, the current performance of the company is not too bad but it has decreased, and the shareholders can hold the shares.
The vehicle manufacturing companies are rapidly increasing in the vehicle industry and expected to grow in future. However, the net revenue for vehicle producers is declining. This industry is at present under cost weight. Higher necessity for safety and environment has constrained automakers to build interest in new innovation (Warren, Reeve and Fess, 2005). Then again, it is troublesome for automakers to build cost due to increase in competition. Cost control is progressively noteworthy to today’s vehicle producing. Presently “JIT” (just in time) which is a management philosophy of Japan gives powerful approaches to automakers to diminish cost.
Toyota initially places JIT to overcome its problems of oil restriction and limited natural resources. It has been generally connected to Japanese manufacturing industry. The principle motivation behind JIT is to enhance item quality and product quality and effectiveness, which brings about more grounded competitiveness (Hirano, 2009). To accomplish this objective, flow of production is essential. The resources are taken to sequential construction systems “just in time “for use in the required sum and to the assembling forms that it is required.


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