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像素艺术是线条艺术和色调兼收并蓄的概念。调色板的使用是有限的。为适应本文的理论研究,设计了数字图书。用于电子书的字体是Fanda Black和Fanda Egyptian Black。这些字体的原因是它们与像素艺术非常相似。单个字符是由几何形状的规则排列创建的。这代替了书中预言的马赛克图案和像素艺术思想。它们模仿并作为整体论点的有效视觉辅助。这些字体为整体美学外观提供了一个有趣的元素,并有助于像素艺术概念。

综上所述,本研究开始于2015年。从这里,我们进行了很多调查分析。研究发现,镶嵌图案在历史上具有周期性的出现。案例研究是基于符号表征和使用的不同媒介来选择的。案例研究表明,像素艺术在未来将被广泛使用,这种像素艺术的循环出现将会继续。这本书经过美学设计,以适应像素艺术的概念。在content section之前的Ozymandias图片和Fanda字体被有意地使用,为像素艺术概念的整体主题做出贡献。


Based on the analysis, the book was aesthetically designed to suit the pixel art ideology. Visuals, theory, font and color have all been coherently and deliberately structured to suit the pixel art ideology. Spatial arrangement of the pictures has been placed to highlight pixel art theme. Before the content page there is an image about Ozymandias ruins in pixel style. The reason for arranging the picture is to symbolize Pixel Art Technique and make the audience retrospect with the notions of Ozymandias. Ozymandias sonnet is a promise of an epic saga. It is epitome that is used to explain the beauty behind the ruins and the hidden potential behind the imagery. There are a number of hidden connotations; an interlinking to greatness that has been seen in Ozymandias. Pixel art is in many ways can be related to Ozymandias. Some of the hidden ideologies of the Ozymandias concept remain relevant even today in the modern era. This image has been specifically arranged before the contents page to make the audience reminiscence the significance of Ozymandias and connect it to pixel art theme. Pixel art era of the 1980s saw the wide scale resurgence of pixel art. Apart from this, this era also saw the minimalist expressions in graphic arts. This image has been added to make the audience connect with Ozymandias and the modern.

Pixel art is a concept where there is an eclectic mix of line art and hues. Color palette used is limited. Fitting to the theoretical aspect of the dissertation, the digital book has been designed. Fonts used for the digital book are Fanda Black and Fanda Egyptian Black. The reason for these fonts is that they are in close resemblance to the pixel art. The individual characters are created from the regular arrangement of the geometric shapes. This is in lieu of the mosaic pattern and the pixel art ideology prophesied in the book. They mimic and serve as effective visual aids to the overall thesis. These fonts serve an interesting element to the overall aesthetic look and contribute to the pixel art concept.

To conclude, the inception of this research was in 2015. From this, there was a lot of investigative analysis that was conducted. It was found that the mosaic pattern has cyclic emergence throughout history. Case studies were chosen based on the symbolic representation and the different mediums they were used. Case studies conclude that pixel art will be used ubiquitously in the future and this cyclic emergence of pixel art will continue. The book has been aesthetically designed to suit the pixel art notion. The Ozymandias picture before the contents section and Fanda typeface was used deliberately to contribute to the overall theme of pixel art concept.

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