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據觀察,索尼在日本的銷量很大。在日本,人們大多被這家公司吸引,大量購買該產品。另一方面,作爲世界上最大的公司之一,三星卻沒有吸引到足夠的人才(Aoki & Lennerfors, 2013)。有些時候,人們甚至沒有意識到三星是一家如此龐大的公司。


三星是世界上最大的可能與消費電子相關的公司。公司的龐大可以從世界上售出的3部智能手機中,有一部與三星品牌有關。另一家韓國公司;LG在世界電視和洗衣機市場上佔有很大的份額。然而,在日本觀察到的趨勢是,該公司沒有吸引任何消費者的眼球(Lee, 2008)。日本人對韓國著名公司生產的一些最好的產品一無所知。消費者也沒有意識到,這些韓國公司一直在把不同的日本公司趕下貨架。


In the present times, the large number of Korean companies has been facing many troubles to get a proper market share in Japan. There have been a large number of issues with respect to the market share in Japan for the companies which are based in Korea. In this report, the discussion will be focused on the struggle of the Korean companies to gain a suitable traction in Japan.

It has been observed that in Japan that Sony has been sold in large numbers. The people are largely attracted to the company in Japan and are buying the product in large numbers. On the other hand, Samsung which is one of the largest companies in the world fails to attract the people (Aoki & Lennerfors, 2013). There are instances where the people have even failed to recognize that Samsung is such a vast company.


In the world, Samsung is the largest company which may be related to the consumer electronics. The vastness of the company can be recognized from the fact that out of 3 smartphones sold in the world, one is related to the Samsung Brand. Another Korean based company; LG has a great share in the world in the markets of Television and Washing Machine. However, the trend which has been observed in Japan is that the company does not catch the eyes of any consumer (Lee, 2008). The people in Japan do not have any idea of some of the best products manufactured by the famous Korean Companies. The consumers also have not caught that these Korean companies have been consistently knocking down the different Japanese companies off the shelves.

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