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为了更详细地描述与乌托邦有关的东西,最好与已经实现的东西断开连接。有远见卓识的人相信,建筑设计实际上已经脱离了传统。这些设计师有超前的思维方式,他们拒绝了历史的参考,古典的拱廊,轻浮的装饰和纪念性的建筑。除此之外,乌托邦式的前卫设计的重点是整合一些基于机器的新材料。这些想法已经从一些新材料中加入,例如钢筋混凝土、铁和玻璃。乌托邦式的观点认为,美丽可以很容易地融入到原始的东西中。此外,假定斜和椭圆的线将有足够的力量创造任何形式的活力(Altus et al .,2004)。事实上,人们相信科学和技术可以帮助创造新的设计。与传统的传播城市不同的是,与未来有关的城市实际上是集中的垂直集合,其中包括大量的摩天大楼,这些摩天大楼是由桥梁连接起来的,包括架空通道、外部电梯井和许多其他的缆索。这些特征是在展望未来的avant等级设计的基础上设计的。这一设想在建筑师的设计中得到了体现。现代的城市大多以类似的方式被创造出来。每一件事都有相似的计划。它曾经被认为是虚构的,但它在现在被设计师和建筑师广泛使用。


In order to detail about something that is related to Utopia, it is better to disconnect with something that has been realized already. It has been believed by the visionaries that architectural designs had been actually broken free from the tradition. These designers had the forward thinking approach and they rejected the historical reference, classical arcades, frivolous decoration and commemorative architecture. Other than this the Utopian avant-grade designs focused on the incorporation of some of the new materials which were based on the machine. These ideas had been incorporated from some of the new materials such as the reinforced concrete, iron and glass. It had been stated by the Utopian visions that the beauty can be easily incorporated in something that is raw. Besides, it was assumed that the oblique and the elliptical lines would have the sufficient power to create any kind of dynamism (Altus et al., 2004). It was actually believed that science and technology could help in the creation of the new designs. Unlike the classic spread cities, the city related to the future actually consisted of the centralized vertical conurbation which included a large number of sky-scrapers that are interconnected by the bridges, construction of the aerial walkways, exterior elevator shafts and many other funiculars. These were the features which were designed on the basis of the avant grade designs that looked towards the future. This vision had been observed in the designs of the architects. The cities which existed in the modern times had been largely created in the similar fashion. Each and every thing was planned in a similar manner. It had been consisted to be imaginary but it has been largely used in the present times by the designers and the architects.

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