論文 代寫-女性美是如何通過媒介來表現的


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本文所講的的是女性美是如何通過媒介來表現的,在中國,女性美是如何通過媒介來表現的,這與美話語話語的話語體現有關?通過系統的文獻綜述,將文獻綜述作為研究的重點,為研究問題的提出提供依據。這也是我們選擇語篇分析來得出結論的原因。事實證明,語篇分析是有益的,因為它使人們能夠接近和思考一個問題。它還通過允許提問和討論同時進行而使研究受益。這種方法可以揭示文本背後的關鍵原因,或者為文本解釋選擇特定的研究過程。本篇論文 代寫文章由美國論文通AssignmentPass輔導網整理,供大家參考閱讀。

How does feminine beauty get represented through media in China in relation to beauty discourse discursive embodiment?In order to find evidences for the research question focus is given on reviewing literature by conducting a systematic literature review. This is the reason why discourse analysis has been selected in order to reach the conclusion. Discourse analysis has proved beneficial because it has allowed to approach and think over an issue. It has also benefitted the research by allowing questioning and discussions to take place simultaneously. The method has allowed to reveal the key reasons behind texts or behind choosing a specific research process for that texts interpretation.
Discourse analysis as a method is employed in this research as a procedure to study texts in media. This type of sociological approach analysis of discourse helps in investigating the knowledge based social production. The utilization of image is seen not only as a communicating information neutral media but as a domain wherein social world knowledge that is shaped actively. The texts of media within discussion are not only texts to reflect reality of the social environment but instead they are social spaces. These social spaces exist where the Chinese patriarchal establishment power network is discursive and enacted in a repetitive manner. In brief, such discourses of people are sites wherein Chinese femininity understanding and beauty can be created and can be reproduced and beautiful female’s social identities can be formulated. Such an approach of analytical nature is impacted through power relations notion of Foucault given in the year 1989.
Power relations analysis by Foucault has been insightful to open up the problem of power based discursive forms and their relationships. Instead of simply having a relation set between oppressed and oppressor, Foucault states that power is something that needs to be analysed. This is analysed as something that circulates or as something that functions only in the chain form. Power employment along with its exercise through an organization like a net depict individuals are power vehicles and they are not its application points. This power relation conception has pragmatism when depicting a complicated problem such as beautified bodies valorized notions in Chinese society. When following Foucault, it becomes imperative to understand the power operation discursive network by influential social instituted such as media in the mainstream. As such institutes are social means of network with discursive power. This power is explicit and implicit to enforce the beautiful women patriarchal constructions. Such beautified images of body can henceforth be acknowledged as a perspective in which power renegotiation and enactment can be done.

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