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谈论文化人类学关于美国黑人的生活,我们应该从过去得到一些更好的知识主题(斯科特,2011)。解决非洲人在美国可以追溯到17 – 18世纪前美国殖民社会的形成,与发送免费的主要动机非洲人回到他们的国家,这是结束的时候奴隶制是在其边缘。当时很多很多非洲裔美国人决定留下来在美国,因为他们没有离开那里回到非洲,也因为现在他们有了自己的生命在这个新国家(Kiyotaka。,1999)。非洲裔美国人在美国成立了第二大少数民族。在1790年奴隶制是一个极端,他们最高的人口计数总人口的19.3%,主要生活在今天南卡罗来纳州的面积。当前的人口减少了12.6%,是生活在南方,东北、中西部和西部各州的美国,这是最低在1930年总人口的9.7%(牛津大学图书馆,1996)。他们不得不面临很多的摩擦在美国社会由于其黑色和奴隶的起源,但马丁·路德·金博士在1950年代末最大的革命领导美国黑人社会中平等对待。


Talking about the Cultural Anthropology regarding the Black’s living in USA, we should get some better knowledge about the topic from the past (Scott, 2011). The settlement of Africans in America can be traced back to the 17th – 18th century, before the formation of American Colonization Society, with the primary motive of send the free Africans back to their country, this was the time when slavery was on its verge of ending. At that time a lot many Afro – Americans decided to stay back in America, as they had nothing left there back in Africa, and also because now they have made a life of their own here in this new country (Kiyotaka., 1999). Afro – Americans formed the second largest minority group in USA. In 1790 when the Slavery was on it is extreme, they had the highest population counting to 19.3% of the total population and living mainly in the area of present day South Carolina. The current population has decreased to 12.6% and is living in southern, northeast, Midwest and western states of America; it was lowest in the year 1930 with a total population of 9.7% (Bodley, 1996). They had to face a lot of friction in the American society due to their Black color and slave origin, but in the late 1950’s Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. led the biggest revolution of American Blacks for their equal treatment in the society.

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