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觀察被觀察的孩子在戶外環境下的數學表現如何好於室內環境是很有趣的。研究似乎表明,這種形式的有益影響在許多兒童中被觀察到(安德斯等,2012;穆里根,2015;Skwarchuk等,2014)。在早期教育方面,現在正在改變傳授給兒童的算術和讀寫技能的方式。過去,孩子們的教育方式過度依賴於室內紙的教學形式。然而,在當今時代,教學已經轉向了不同的形式,如視覺形式的教學,聽覺形式的教學等。戶外教學被認爲是提高早期學習者學習技能的一種方式。與其他年齡段相比,早期學習者花在戶外的時間更多,因此這段時間也可以用來教他們(LTL, 2016)。它將活動和學習的好處結合在一起。大部分研究工作是關於戶外教學風格和學習報告的益處(Reid & Andrews, 2016;Whitebread & Coltman, 2015)。例如,考慮一下基礎階段的課程指導(2001)是如何提出這一問題的,“許多成年人對數學的信心低於任何其他學習領域。一些成年人認爲數學是“做算術”,他們不知道它涉及的遠不止這些(p.73),爲了有效的教學,教育委員會需要實踐者幫助孩子們把自己看作數學家,培養他們學習的積極態度和性格。兒童對數字、測量和形狀有天生的興趣,這種興趣是通過與環境和他人的互動而產生的。




It was interesting to observe how the child being observed did well on mathematics activities in the outdoor environment better than the indoor environment. Research studies seem to present that this form of a beneficial impact is observed in many children (Anders et al, 2012; Mulligan, 2015; Skwarchuk, et al, 2014). In early education, there is now a change in the way numeracy and literacy skills are being imparted to children. Children in the past were taught in a way that over relied on the use of indoor paper based forms of teaching. However, in current times, the teaching has moved on to different forms such as that of visual forms of teaching, aural forms etc. Outdoor style of teaching is argued as a way to enhance the learning skills of early learners. Early learners spend more time outdoor compared to all other age groups and hence it follows that this time could be used to teach them too (LTL, 2016). It combines the benefits of activity for the child and learning at the same time. Most research work on outdoor style of teaching and learning report benefits (Reid & Andrews, 2016; Whitebread & Coltman, 2015). For instance, consider how the Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage (2001) presented this issue, “Many adults are less confident about mathematics than any other area of learning. Some adults think of mathematics as ‘doing sums’ and are not aware that it involves much more than that” (p.73) and that for the context of effective teaching, educational committees, “Requires practitioners who help children to see themselves as mathematicians, and develop positive attitudes and dispositions towards their learning. Children have a natural interest in numbers, measuring and shapes, which aroused by interaction with their environment and with other people” (Curriculum Guidance for the Foundation Stage, 2001, p. 71).


Now in observing the child in the case of a school room like setting and the outdoor environment, it was established that the child would actually be more comfortable learning in the outdoor environment. The child was seen to be more interactive in the outdoor environment and was open to exploring the setup given to the child to count, such as pebbles in a more open way compared to how he handled the mini toys. The pebbles were part of an everyday environment the child was used to, so when that was combined with mathematical tasks such as counting and conservation, the child was able to apply his skills better. A second major observation found was that in the context of a mathematical activity set up, a new set up might tend to make the child have a learning curve to the setup. So in the context of understanding a new technique in different ways that using a min toy or by using other things, the child might take some time to understand the setup. However, it was interesting that the child did not face such a need for a learning curve when he was given math activities outdoors. The only explanation could be that the child was used to working on similar activities outside. On querying with the mother, she confirmed that the child and she have played with pebbles, counting them from one to ten etc. Thus, this could also be the reason why the child needed fewer prompts when learning in the outdoor environment.

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