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在我的项目工作中,我能够识别包括我自己在内的一些有效的追随者。我相信,不管领导风格如何,有效的追随者将有助于带领团队走向成功。一个有效的追随者不仅会接受领导者向他们展示的东西,而且还会检验领导力以及它如何融入他们的整体战略(Kelley,2008)。首先,一个有效的追随者应该有承担责任的勇气。我们中的一些人没有逃避接受任务作为我们的个人责任,而我们团队的一些成员没有充分承担责任。有效追随者的第二个重要特质是参与转换的勇气(Chaleff,2008)。团队合作通常会导致相互转换的经验,和我们的团队的领导者是成功的在指出当做出一些一流的变化,我们在做什么或者在加快工作等。有效的追随者能够遵循没有担忧的变化,和理解帮助重塑变化如何更好的工作。另一方面,我们确实有一些怀疑论者在所有的变化点上寻找一些麻烦。例如,当决定放弃一些额外的研究的时候,大多数人都同意,其中一个怀疑论者认为这可能导致模拟任务比我们的同伴更低。现在我们明白了,事实并非如此,而且随着时间的推移,我们可以说服会员,改变并不坏,仅仅是一个改变和情境的步骤,以满足时间限制。现在这个特质似乎脱节的一个有效的追随者应该接受变化和参与变革的过程本身,也可能是说特点并满足另一个期望从一个有效的追随者,即有效的追随者的能力服务的,这意味着我们应该积极问题领导人(Oc &Bashshur,2013)。因此,被质疑的成员确实是在积极或有效的后续行动中这样做。


In my project work, I was able to identify a few effective followers including myself. I believe effective followership would be instrumental in leading a group to success irrespective of the leadership style. An effective follower will not only accept what is presented to them by the leaders, but also examine leadership and how it fits into their overall group strategy (Kelley, 2008). Firstly, an effective follower should have the courage to assume responsibility. Some of us did not shirk away from accepting out tasks as our personal responsibilities whereas some members of our team did not adequately assume responsibility. The second important trait of the effective follower is the courage to participate in transformations (Chaleff, 2008). Team work usually leads to mutual experiences in transformation, and the leader of our team was successful enough in pointing out when to make some big-time changes in what we were doing or when to speed up the work etc. Effective followers were able to follow without worries of the changes, and understood how the changes helped reshape out work better. On the other hand, we did have some skeptics looking for some trouble at all points of change. For instance, when a change decision to drop some extra research was decided upon by majority agreement, one of the skeptics of the group argued that this could lead to the simulation task gauged lower than our peers. Now we understood that it would not be the case, and it was with time that we could convince the member that the change was not bad, merely a transformative and situational step to meet time constraint. Now while this trait seemed out of line for an effective follower who should accept change and be involved in the transformative process themselves, it could be said that the trait did meet another expectation from an effective follower, namely the effective follower’s capacity to serve and be subservient, meaning we should actively question leaders (Oc &Bashshur, 2013). Therefore, the member participant who questioned was indeed doing so in the lines of active or effective followership.

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