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韦斯顿在19岁的时候来到加州,他的姐姐鼓励他做自由摄影师。韦斯顿花时间用他的明信片照相机挨家挨户地寻找工作,他只能在那里拍摄家庭照片、儿童、宠物和其他主题的照片。然而,他需要更多的正规训练,为此,他于1908年回到芝加哥,并在伊利诺斯大学摄影学院(Warren 2011)接受了录取。他在短短六个月的时间里完成了为期一年的课程,然后回到了加利福尼亚,为自己创造了一个生活。他有学习摄影的热情;因此,他作为暗房助理工作,最终成为了乔治·斯特克尔(George Steckel)和路易斯·莫吉尼尔(Louis Mojonier)在洛杉矶的工作室的肖像摄影师。在这些工作室里,他获得了摆出各种姿势和灯光摄影的技巧。在1909年,他觉得自己准备拥有自己的工作室(Warren 2011)。他娶了一名弗洛拉·钱德勒(Flora Chandler),她的家人有足够的钱,于是他在加州的家中开办了自己的工作室。


Weston was 19 years old when he arrived at California, where his sister encouraged him to work as a freelance photographer. Weston spent time in going from door to door with his post card camera in search of work, where he could only manage to take the family pictures, pictures of children, pets and other subjects. However, he required more formal training, and for this, he returned back to Chicago in 1908 and took admission in Illinois College of Photography (Warren 2011). He completed the yearlong course in just six months and went back to California to make a life for himself. He had the zeal to learn more about photography; therefore, he worked as the darkroom assistant and eventually as the portrait photographer in the studios of George Steckel and Louis Mojonier in Los Angeles. In these studios, he acquired the great skills of posing the sitters and lighting for photography. In the year 1909, he felt that he is prepared to own up his own studio (Warren 2011). He married a Flora Chandler and her family had enough money with which he started his own studio on the land of their home in California.

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