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在工业化前的社会里,好客被认为是一种责任。对邻居、甚至朋友友好是一种道义上的责任。主人的职责是保护游客,而这些保护偏好都不受偏好或经济的影响。当一个主人没有履行他的职责时,他/她将受到社会的谴责。“对他人的款待和义务的信仰,是关于社会本质的观点和观点,以及事物的自然秩序。”因此,任何不当行为都受到社会谴责(Ashley,2017,p . 3)。然而,在媒体的文章中,强调主持人没有履行自己的义务或义务。在接待的基本信念的背景下考虑,他们有一定的义务作为主人。他们的义务之一就是确保他们的客人在安全的条件下。给他们毯子,别人用的不是健康的做法。客人们冒着接触细菌的风险。在这里,主人对酒店客人的责任并不满足(Telfer,2000)。即使在酒店业的商品化中,为客户提供安全的住房也是基本的法律责任,酒店也没有这样做。


In pre-industrial societies, hospitality was considered more of a duty. Being hospitable towards one’s neighbors and even friends was considered as a moral imperative. The duty of the host was to protect the visitors and none of these protection preferences would have been left to preference or economy. When a host did not perform up to his duties, then he/she would be socially condemned. “Beliefs about hospitality and obligations to others are located in views and visions about the nature of society, and the natural order of things. Thus, any failure to act appropriately is treated with social condemnation”(Ashley, 2017, p. 3). However, in the given media article, it is highlighted that the host has not done their proper duty or obligations. When considered in the context of the basic belief of hospitality, they had certain obligations as host. One of their obligations was to ensure that their guests were in safe conditions. Giving them blankets that someone else used is not a healthy practice. The guests stand the risk of being exposed to germs and more. Here the duty of the host towards the guests of the hotel is not satisfied (Telfer, 2000). Even in the commodification of hospitality domain, it would have been the basic legal duty to provide safe housing for the client, and the hotel has failed to do so.

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