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这就像从井里抽水一样。像宗密所说的道教,它可以通过虚空或非虚构来解释世界的形成。 “道教只知道,在这个世界形成之前,有一段时间是空虚的,它被称为非存在,未分化的一齐”(沙12)。但是,根据宗密的说法,道教不承认形成,延续,破坏和空虚的循环过程总是在运动中,并且已经发生了很多次。这里所创造的哲学理解是,道家的创作和生活原则不能完全代表道之前可能存在的循环过程。道被认为是万物之母,但根据宗密的说法,一些创造和存在一定是在母亲或万物之前出现的,而这更多的是一个过程。




It is like water being drawn from a well. Daoism as Zongmi presents, it is something that can explain the formation of the world through the void or the non- being. “Daoism knows only that before the formation of this world, there was a time of void, which it calls the non-being, the undifferentiated One Qi” (Shah 12). However, according to Zongmi, Daoism does not recognize that a circular process of formation, continuation, destruction and emptiness is always in motion, and has been occurring many times over. The philosophical understanding created here is that Daoism in its principles of creation and life cannot fully represent the circular process that could have existed before the Dao. The Dao is considered the mother of all things, but according to Zongmi, some creation and existence must have been present even before the mother or all things, which were more of a process.


Philosophically and scientifically, this is a much-accepted viewpoint, as people believe that everything is part of a process, and nothing could be a standalone entity. For instance, one’s karma could be associated with the process of reaping the good that one did previously, even in a previous birth or vice versa. According to Zongmi, then it can be inferred that there is something beyond just every day philosophy of men. Consider the first principle of Daoism, first principle of Daoism is that people are like water. Water is a thing that flows. It is passive, it can move through everything, and it does not resist anything. Daoism states that people should also become like water. Being this way is what gives water its strength and hence people will also be strengthened. According to the Daoist principle, action happens without any initiation or effort. Now this first principle for instance, cannot be analyzed for origins, it something that can be presented for humans and hence is restricted in its search for origins. Therefore, Zongmi’s assumption that something existed before Daoism does make sense.


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