

美国论文代写 论文通

美国论文通 ASSIGNMENT PASS - 论文代写以独特的美国论文代写.美国essay代写和assignment代写专业服务理念,尝试创新的代写形式赢得了美国留学生的口碑.我们代写团队对于代写论文采取多样化的手段.做到了代写论文的原创性和对论文抄袭的杜绝.


本篇文章是关于中西营销合并的研究,以上是漫威漫画公司向国际观众推广的一般策略。这一描述也有漏洞。人们需要通晓当地的英语方言,才能透视超级英雄的讽刺。实际的内容是基于美国文化的,因此,在中国等东方文化中,人们需要付出相当大的努力来与角色连接(Eliashberg, et al., 2016)。内容更加迎合西方观众。这就是电影的局限性。为了接触到更大的消费群体,电影应该有更多折衷的混合。本篇美国传媒学论文代写文章由美国论文通AssignmentPass辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The above is the general strategy employed by Marvel comics to reach out to the international audience. There are also gaps in this portrayal. The people need to be well-versed in the local dialect of English to gain perspective of the sarcasm of the super hero. The actual content is based on the United States culture, and therefore, people in the Eastern cultures such as China need to take considerable effort to connecting with the character (Eliashberg, et al., 2016). The content is more catered toward the western audiences. This is the limitation of the movies. There should be more eclectic mixes of the movies in order to reach out to a larger consumer base.
These needs to be focused in the future marketing and content development.In this analysis the secondary research methodology will be utilized. Primary survey method of people from China and UK will be done. Hence the research will be a mixed method research. There will be online interviews and surveys conducted in the social media tools and utilization of the tools such as survey monkey would be done to collate information. Only the audience from China and UK will be considered in this sample. This would enable the researcher to understand the gaps in the process. This assists in understanding of what is required from these research. To overcome the issue of myopia, secondary research is made use of. Combination of these activities leads to the construction of a holistic paradigm.
Ethical consideration such as consent would be procured before the people are questioned. there will be efforts taken by the researcher to ensure that the people are not forced to answer in a certain manner. To overcome any issue of bias there will be critical examination of the perspectives from both sides of the issue.
The research is expected to be assist the people who want more neutral motifs for the presentation of their superhero. It is expected that any company can should be able to benefit from the research finding to develop their future scope. The possible limitation of this research is that it has focused on two national cultures. These can result in the findings to be very broad in analysis. Owing to this the companies should consider the subjective factor of each culture. Future research will be focused on those paradigms.


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