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人们对待死者的方式因文化而异。本分析探讨了两种特定的培养方法。中国文化和维多利亚文化,两种文化都对死亡事件有着有趣的容颜。在维多利亚时代,社会上有许多流行病。维多利亚时代的人们有拍摄死者照片的文化(Nead, 2000)。中国文化在1600年有一种习俗,一些人与死去的人结婚。巴特所探讨的符号学和外延与这些文化的分析有关(Curtis, 2003)。摄影作为一种反映实践的工具,对这一点进行了探讨。在所有这些文化中,人们都有一个共同的期望,那就是所爱的人将以某种形式继续存在。他们在自己的死亡中找到了效仿和和平的方法。

尽管有一个共同的目标,很少有文献涉及到对死者照片的系统分析(Vine, 2004)。在死亡的事件中,有一种天生的贪婪和系统性的社会弊病。这是用静态纪实摄影捕捉到的。首先,它被认为是一种病态的行为。在这篇论文中,将会有对文化的理解和纪录片摄影在阐明这个问题中所扮演的角色。



Death is an organic activity that follows life. The eventual death of all living organisms has piqued the interest of the people and has also caused many artist to fixate on the theme of death. Of the many contemporary Chinese artists’ works, some of the central notions are the exploring of the relationship between life and death in these themes. Comparative analysis between Chinese and the Victorian cultures have been probed in the following analysis.


The ways which the people deal with the dead are found to be varied across the cultures. Two specific cultures have been probed in this analysis. Chinese culture and the Victorian culture, both of the cultures had interesting countenance to the event of death. During the Victorian era, there were a number of epidemic that pervaded the society. The Victorian people had the culture of taking pictures of the dead people (Nead, 2000). The Chinese culture there was a customary practice in 1600 where some people are married to the dead people. The semiotics, denotation that has been probed by Barthes has relevance to the analysis of these cultures (Curtis, 2003). This has been probed by the use of the photography as a tool to reflect the practices. There is a common expectation that the loved ones will continue to exist in one form or the other in all of these cultures. They find ways to emulate and find peace in their passing.

Even though there is a common objective, there is very little literature that deals with the systematic analysis of the photography of the dead (Vine, 2004). In the event of death, there is an innate greed and systemic social evils that are reflected. This is captured with the use of still documentary photography. Primarily, it has been considered to be a morbid act. In this dissertation, there will be the understanding of the cultures and the role documentary photography plays in elucidating this issue.

From this analysis, the roots of the cultural semiotics and material culture can be analyzed.

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