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This document seeks to examine approaches to first language teacher education by allowing for two issues: content knowledge and instructional practice. This paper considers the degree to which mother tongue teacher training has urbanized an intellectual, academic groundwork and evolved an exact body of educational practices. The instruction and preparation of first language teachers are a well popular activity within the field of language teaching. The acknowledgment of mother tongue teacher education as a general growing area is relatively new. In planning programs, the necessary decisions which have to be measured are the same as those concerned in planning any of instructional program- namely Pedagogical Content Knowledge, Instructional planning. Issues raised in making decisions in cooperation of these domains form the focal point for the rest of this paper (Mitchell, 2016).

To settle on the pedagogical content knowledge in the field of first language teacher education, it is essential to recognize the sources of this information. Teacher- perceived wants to refer to the job and the kinds of skills that they need for performing arts on those tasks. Expert’s view relates to the opinion of topic matter specialists, and other professionals refer to the first language teachers who require to know. These sources can provide management in setting up new programs and evaluating how well the profession is gathering its aims. Views of language teaching specialists as to what constitute the center body of premise, idea, skills and practices in the field are most enthusiastically seen in what they write about the area. The contrast of the contented of introductory textbooks in the field reveals a sensible base of present authority opinion. Few would anticipate linguists that have a primary input to the plan of first language teacher education programs today, but there is no agreement as to what the most proper knowledge is. They contain deliberation of issues such as theories of language, mother tongue learning and learner errors. To some degree, they also imitate on a skills-oriented advance than one which attributes a larger role to the teaching of grammar or literature (Wydick, 2009).

They vary in the extent to which they contract with educational issues, classroom organization and assessment. Another cause for the formative content of first language teacher education is through identifying the kinds of equipment that teachers do the job. Driving mechanism for a teacher training program is from the sequence obtained. In the case of an in-service program plan, teachers can be consulted in a straight line about the type of expert growth and guidance that they think they need. The professional teachers of English language need pedagogical training to be a teacher. The academic training in English language and linguistics should be professional. Present perform refers to what mother tongue teacher education programs proffer to teachers in preparation. Task analysis refers to deriving pedagogical satisfied knowledge from an examination of the circumstances in teacher’s work, the tasks they typically complete on the job and the kinds of skills they need for performing those jobs.


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