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专家将我不能在公共场合自由发言的主要原因称为“公共演讲焦虑”。害怕成为关注的焦点、可能的尴尬、被听众拒绝、被评判,这些都是加剧公众演讲焦虑的恐惧症。(2000年Katz, 2)。公众演讲恐惧的高级阶段包括言语恐惧症或演讲焦虑、公众演讲恐惧和社交恐惧症或社交焦虑障碍。这种恐惧的范围从轻微的紧张到麻痹的恐惧和恐慌。(Hall-Flavin, 2014)








Reasons for my weak Public Speaking Skills

The main reason barring me from speaking freely in public is termed by specialists as ‘public speaking anxiety’. Fear of being the centre of attention, possible embarrassment, being rejected by listeners and being judged are some of the phobias that accentuate public speaking anxiety. (Katz, 2000, 2).The advanced stages of public speaking fear include Glossophobia or speech anxiety, the fear of public speaking and social-phobia or social anxiety disorder. This fear can range from little nervousness to paralysing fear and panic. (Hall-Flavin, 2014)

My Experiences of Public Speaking

I have had really embarrassing experiences of public speaking. One of such experience was when I was supposed to make a speech at a family function. I was very nervous, even though the gathering was my own family. In my anxiety I delivered a very shorter version of my originally prepared speech. I generally experience similar situations when I have to make presentations in the classroom. My anxieties make me forget most of the important points of my presentation. My main fear was being the centre of everybody’s scrutinizing attention. Therefore I believe that public speaking is my biggest communication weakness.

Conquering Over My Weakness

I am determined to convert this weakness of mine into strength. I understand public speaking is very essential while communicating with the strangers. This skill is equally important when I would have to make presentations at study or works. I have to work hard to subdue my fears of public speaking. I would try to prepare my speech well in advance and do a thorough practice while speaking it aloud. To increase my confidence level before making a speech I would gather accurate knowledge about my topic. I would also try the method of visualisation and deep breaths to calm myself. Keeping an eye contact with the audience is one of the key of a good public speaking. I would try to inculcate this habit while making speeches. Moreover, I would not try to avoid chances to speak in public. I am sure with correct hard work I will soon overcome my fear of public speaking.


We have learnt that effective communication is the key to successful career as well as interpersonal relationships. Also, now I clearly understand my strength and weakness in communication skill. This will go in a long way to help me improve my strength and overcome my weakness. Being a good listener helps me to gather lot more information and knowledge while my public speaking fears limit my audience. In order to reach to more people I want to improve my public speaking skills and come over my apprehensions. I undoubtedly understand the significance of good listening as well as effective public speaking in my career as well as life.

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