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从根本上说,《论语》是孔子关于道德伦理的语录和理想的集合体。中国的《论语》(Cua, 2013)对理想给予了很多重视。它是儒家思想和中国道德观念的一个道德指标。这篇分析的目的是探讨《论语》在培养社会和道德合格人才方面的作用。这一分析阐明了构成社会和道德能力的基本原则。


在社会中,音乐有很强的传播社会秩序信息的功能。它被用来解释这些意识形态使用音乐作为媒介。在儒学所规定的思想体系中,对如何从肉体自我的角度来处理音乐进行了解释。现代问题也可以用这种意识形态的基本原则来解决。他和杰解释的概念对音乐的感觉和创建一个声波和谐(Cua, 2013)。在中国古典文学作品中,对民间音乐和礼仪有多种学术研究方法。抒情诗解释了人们应该怎样生活,怎样保持道德标准。音乐与社会秩序之间的联系在五经中有详细的阐述。的Yijīng解释了古代君王使用的乐曲来解释人们的道德标准生活。国王的宫廷乐师被用来传播有关社会秩序的信息。在中国文化和《论语》中,音乐与仪式的关系是一条共同的线索(Chienkuo, Slote & Sosa, 2015)。根据中国文化,他们应该作为自我的产物,社会正在建立一个社会生活。在这些音乐内涵中蕴含着深刻而复杂的社会秩序。在这方面,性别的作用是一个重要方面。


Fundamentally analects are the collection of sayings and ideals that has been prescribed by Confucius about morality and ethics. There is a lot of importance given to the ideals prescribed in the Analects in China (Cua, 2013). It serves to be a moral indicator for the notions of Confucianism and Chinese morals. The purpose of this analysis is to look the role of the analects into creating social and morally competent persons. The basic tenets as to what constitutes social and moral competence have been elucidated in this analysis.


There is a strong use of music to spread information about the social order in the societies. It is used to explain these ideologies using music as a medium. In the ideologies which have been prescribed by Confucianism there is explanation of how to deal with the music in terms of corporal self. The modern issues can also be addressed by using the fundamental tenets of this ideology. The concepts of hé 和 and jié explain about the sense of music and creation of a sonic harmony (Cua, 2013). In the classical Chinese works there are a number of academic approaches to the music and the rites of the people. The lyrical poems explain the ways in which the people should live their life and maintain ethical standards. The connection between the music and the social order has been explained in detail in the five classics. The Yìjīng explains how the ancient kings use the musical composition to explain to the people about the ethical standards in living. The court musicians of the Kings were used to spread information about the social order. Within the Chinese culture and Analects, the common thread that is found to exist is the relationship between the music and the rite (Chienkuo, Slote & Sosa, 2015). According to the Chinese culture they should serve as the product of the selves and the society is setting up of a social life. There is a deep complex social order that has been explained in these musical connotations. In this the role of gender is an important aspect.

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