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虚拟团队是指it团队中的成员在同一栋大楼工作或居住在不同大陆的团队。虚拟团队成员互动的主要方式是通过电子通信。由于虚拟团队对跨越组织和时间不连续性的技术支持的依赖,组织中的决策过程很难达到预期的结果(Weisband, 2013)。

虚拟团队的领导是一项非常重要的任务,因为创建有效的虚拟团队比所评估的要困难得多。领导者不能通过简单地将角色分配给成员并让他们离开来创建高性能的团队(Bergman, Rentsch, Small, Davenport, & Bergman, 2012, p-35)。领导者的主要任务是接触团队成员,在虚拟环境中更加频繁和谨慎的检查。有了这种对团队的个人关注,领导者将能够建立基于信任和关系的联系。为了虚拟团队的成功,这样的关系是经过精心计划、设计和有意为之的。



Virtual teams are the teams in which members in it are working from the same building or are residing across continents. The main mode of interaction of virtual team members is through electronic communication. The decision making processes in an organization become difficult to achieve the desired results, due to the reliance of the virtual teams on the technological support for spanning organizational and temporal discontinuities (Weisband, 2013).

Leadership in virtual teams is a crucial task as creation of effective virtual teams is highly difficult than it is assessed. Leaders cannot create high-performance teams by simply assigning the roles to members and let them go (Bergman, Rentsch, Small, Davenport, & Bergman, 2012, p-35). The main task of the leaders is to reach out to the members of the team and keep a more frequent and cautious check in the virtual environment. With this kind of personal attention to the team, the leader will be able to make connections based on trust and relationships. Such relationships are well planned, designed and very intentional for the success of the virtual team.

The topic to be discussed is “effects of decision making and leadership on Virtual teams in an organization”.

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