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本篇内容是关于网络设计学习的,有趣的是,这本书对网络设计者很有用,因为在过程中讨论的大多数拜占庭式故障都是在网络的情况下观察到的。研究人员认为,在现实世界环境中,网络的行为方式是相同的(Cachin et al., 2011)。请考虑,在分布式编程上下文中理解的流程类似于网络节点。然后,网络节点故障将导致作为节点连接的计算机处于网络故障和服务中断的状态。在这种情况下,会观察到网络充血、消息传递失败、断开连接等等。特别是拜占庭式的容错算法导致了规范中的问题。这类似于现有有缺陷的网络协议(Varela & Agha, 2013)。因此,对于希望了解容错、可靠和增强安全性的网络程序员和设计人员来说,本书是一本有趣的读物。本篇波士顿论文代写文章由美国论文通AssignmentPass辅导网整理,供大家参考阅读。

The book is interestingly useful for network designers as most of these byzantine failures which are discussed in processes are observed in the case of networks. Researchers argue that in real world environments a network behaves the same way (Cachin et al., 2011). Consider, process as understood in the distributed programming context was to be analogous to a network node. Then the network node failure will result in a state where the computers connected as nodal points would experience network failure and service disruptions. Network decongestions, failed message delivery, disconnection and more would be observed in this context. In particular the Byzantine failure-tolerant style of algorithms leads to problem issues in specification. This is analogous to faulty existing network protocols (Varela & Agha, 2013). The book hence functions as an interesting read for network programmers and designers who are looking to understand fault tolerance, reliable and enhancement of security.
Distributed programs are very common today and most of the simpler routines such as reading emails would include a distributed program in it. In basic client-server applications to works that require high speed, distributed programming plays a pivotal role. Quality is the most significant necessity in the case of any programming. Quality in the context of distributed programming means reliability; security and consistency are to be assured. The book basically presents the necessary motivation for a reader of the book to appreciate why they need to know the content. Secondly, the book by making use of the incremental technique attempts to help the reader understand why they should pay attention to abstractions and algorithms when they attempt to handle the issues. Finally, the book through different chapters on the common errors and by associated research work highlight how algorithms could be modified and implemented. The implementation of these abstractions helps in achieving better fault tolerance by handling the distributed agreement problem. The book as it claims helps the reader in mastering the difficulty behind the problems. It presents a way for devising algorithms that would help in addressing these problems as encapsulations. Some abstractions are sometimes powerful enough and cannot be built in a straightforward way but the book by making use of the step by step approach makes it easier for the reader.


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