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合同是指两个或者两个以上的当事人自愿组成的协议,经双方同意,设立法律义务,经对价生效。它在形成法律协定和建立法律义务方面发挥着重要作用。当事人具有订立合同的法律能力是极其重要的。资讯科技项目供应的招标程序,包括硬件和软件,包括订立合约,透过发出投标书,列明价格,以及在接受投标书后会提供什么服务和产品的详情。合同各方必须遵守合同条款,这是极其重要的,因为不这样做会导致违反合同。投标过程通常从要求投标开始,然后进行比较,并作出适当的选择(Bix, B。, & Bix, B. H, 2012)。投标过程是一个相当复杂的过程,有必要建立一个系统的过程,以帮助实现有组织地处理这一过程。成功地完成合同招标过程是形成协议和合同的第一步。这有助于确定项目,然后继续进行所涉及的流程。


投标过程是基于一组由最高管理层决定的参数。这确实有助于创建更好的焦点,以便理解契约的需要和服务提供者的期望。这样,就有可能有效地完成招标过程(Frumer, L. R。,弗里德曼,m。, & Sklaren, C. S。,2013)。重要的是,投标是通过一个公平的过程进行的,并以一种最有利于利益相关者的方式确定参数。这一点很重要,因为合同的订立是以股东利益最大化为目标的。这可以帮助交付最大的质量,也可以在合同中建立最大的信任。投标过程的重点是确保形成牢固的理解,因为这对项目的成功完成至关重要。以秘密或保密的方式完成投标过程变得至关重要,因为投标是竞争性的,投标者并不知道。重要的是要使用公平和透明的方法来管理这一进程。


合同各方的潜在争议和责任以违约为基础。如果合同的任何一项条款都不履行,就会导致规格不符合要求。为了避免在履行合同过程中出现混淆和任何形式的问题,必须把重点放在清晰度上,这是极其重要的。重要的是要集中精力确保合同得到履行,而这只有在形成适当的合同策略时才能实现。这可以帮助解决或避免潜在的争端,如误解,搁置项目,缺乏资金或拖延,无法完成项目。,弗里德曼,m。, & Sklaren, C. S。,2013)。

在订立合同时达成共识是一项极其重要的措施。在制造组织中安装硬件和软件的项目重点是创建一个合同,以及一个关注组织需求和增长前景的投标(Krauss, M. I, 2012)。当双方同意做生意时,他们之间就形成了一种合同,这种合同遵守该国的法律。因此,合同法在不同的地方被遵守,因此有必要更好的协调,对齐和弥合差距,以形成一个更强大和有效的合同。双方的口头陈述被认为是一项协议,但在投标合同中并非如此,因此有必要更好地履行所承诺的工作。只有这样,才有可能集中精力创造一个强有力的工作合同(弗鲁默,L. R. R.)。,弗里德曼,m。, & Sklaren, C. S。,2013)。


A contract refers to an agreement that has been formed voluntarily by two or more parties with mutual consent and with the creation of a legal obligation which results in effectiveness due to consideration. It plays an important role in forming legal agreements and the creation of legal obligations. It is extremely essential that the parties have legal capacity to enter into a contract. The tendering process for the supply of an IT project, including the hardware and software, involves the creation of a contract through placing of a bid stating the pricing and details of what services and products would be provided if the tender is accepted. It is extremely important that there is adherence to the terms of the contract by the parties to the contract, as not doing so would result in a breach of contract. The tendering process usually begins with calling for bids which are compared and then appropriately chosen (Bix, B., & Bix, B. H, 2012). The tender bidding process is quite a complex process and it is essential that there be creation of a systematic process that can help achieve an organized way of dealing with the process. Successful completion of the contract bidding process is the first step of forming an agreement and then a contract. This helps decide the project and then go ahead with the processes involved.

Offer, acceptance and settlement of contracts

The tendering process is based on a set of parameters which are decided by the top management. This does help create better focus for the purpose of understanding the need of the contract and what is expected out of the service provider. In this way, it is possible to complete the tendering process effectively (Frumer, L. R., Friedman, M. I., & Sklaren, C. S., 2013). It becomes important that the tendering is done through a fair process and that the parameters are fixed in a manner that it benefits the stakeholders the most. This is important because the contract is formed with an objective of maximizing benefits to shareholders. This can help deliver maximum quality and also build maximum trust in the contract. The tender bidding process is focused on ensuring that there is strong understanding formed, as this is essential for successful completion of the project. It becomes essential to complete the tender process in a secretive or confidential manner, as the bids are competitive and not known to the bidders. It is important to use a fair and transparent means of managing the process.

Areas of potential dispute

The potential dispute and liability of each party in the contract is based on the breach of contract. If either terms of the contract are not fulfilled, it will result in the specifications not to be met. It is extremely essential that focus should be on clarity in order to avoid confusions and problems of any sort in the fulfillment of the contract. It becomes important to focus on ensuring that the contract is honored and this can be made possible only when an appropriate contract strategy is formed. This can help resolve or avoid potential disputes like misunderstandings, shelving off projects, lack of funds or delays and not being able to complete the project (Frumer, L. R., Friedman, M. I., & Sklaren, C. S., 2013).

It is an extremely important measure that there is a common understanding created while forming the contract. The project for installing the hardware and software in the manufacturing organization is focused on creating a contract as well as a price bid focused on the needs of the organization as well as the growth perspectives (Krauss, M. I, 2012).When two parties agree for business dealing, there is a contract formed between them and this is abided by the law of that nation. Therefore, the contract laws are followed in various different places and so it becomes essential that there be better coordination, alignment and bridging of gaps in order to form a stronger and valid contract. An oral articulation by both parties is considered an agreement but this is not the case in a tender contract and it becomes essential that there be better delivery of the work promised. Only then can it be possible that there be focus on creation of a strong work contract (Frumer, L. R., Friedman, M. I., & Sklaren, C. S., 2013).

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