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本文将讨论加拿大寄宿学校的历史,目的是了解19世纪早期的人们是如何认为有必要将原住民皈依基督教的。通过对加拿大住宿学校的深入研究,让读者了解联邦政府对加拿大住宿学校的发展和扩张的贡献(Miller, 2015)。最后,分析住宿学校对学生心理的负面影响,看看住宿学校如何通过强迫学生在学校努力学习来对待他们的身心。


寄宿学校的历史始于19世纪初,当时加拿大政府认为有必要照顾和教育本国的土著居民。加拿大寄宿学校发展的主要目的是通过英语教学使他们皈依基督教。加拿大的寄宿学校最初是由印度事务部下属的联邦政府运营的(Aadnc, 2017)。应该指出的是,加拿大政府雇用了代理人,其主要目的是确保所有本国学生都能就读寄宿学校。1931年期间,在加拿大,寄宿学校的概念达到了顶峰,有80多所学校。在这段期间,观察到大约有1 100名学生在加拿大政府赞助的宗教住宿学校就读。


The history of the residential school of Canada would be discussed in this paper with an aim to see how people during the early 19th century felt the need to convert aboriginal people into Christianity. The in-depth research of the residential schools of Canada will be highlighted so that readers can get to know about the contribution of the federal government towards the development and expansion of residential schools in the country (Miller, 2015). Finally, the negative impacts of residential schools on the minds of students would be analyzed to see how the residential schools used to treat the students physically and emotionally by forcing them to work hard in the school.


The history of residential schools started during the early 19th century when the government of Canada felt the need of caring and educating the aboriginal population of the country. The major purpose behind the development of residential schools in Canada is to convert them to Christianity through the process of teaching them with the English language. The residential schools in Canada were initially operated by the federal government under the Department of Indian Affairs (Aadnc, 2017). It should be noted that Canadian government employed agents whose main purpose was to make sure all Native students attended the residential schools. During the period of 1931, it was seen that the concept of residential school was at its peak in Canada with more than 80 schools. During this period of time, it was observed that around 1,100 students were enrolled into the government sponsored religious residential schools in Canada.

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