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有很多故事在上帝的存在在这个地方。为了理解简单来说,耶和华Venkateswara来到山上按请求圣,七座山丘。另一个故事是,克利须那神的化身之后,没有化身在地球上,因此adharma带翅膀,无辜和信徒虐待邪恶和错误的人。因此,为了帮助地球上的人们,精神领袖纳连同其他圣人要求trimurthi(主毗瑟奴,梵天和湿婆)耶和华毗瑟奴高兴并接受他们的请求,来到地球。还有另一个故事的形式。从前一个国王的名字Akasa Raja属于Tondamandalam月球竞赛来统治。他没有继承人,执行一些poojas和牺牲的财富和土地。一次,当土地被了之前为牺牲,莲花是由犁和在一个女性的孩子被发现。国王变得高兴找到一个孩子,她被命名为Padmavathi长大。虽然这样,Srinivasa勋爵,他继续狩猎野生大象在森林里的山。在这个过程中,耶和华走进花园,公主Padmavathi摘花和女佣。看到大象,公主随着女佣被吓坏了,但在下一刻,大象转过身来与神和敬礼消失在森林里。后来斯勋爵看见Padmavathi和她感兴趣,之后,回到他的宫殿,通知他母亲瓦库拉井斜对他的愿望,愿Padmavathi结婚。,她了解前面出生的故事Srinivasa Padmavathi,毗瑟奴和拉克希和承诺嫁给Padmavathi生活。所以,母亲瓦库拉Devi继续Akasa拉贾和王后来说服他们婚姻和成功。值此婚姻,主Kubera借钱给主Srinivasa Padmavathi结婚。此后,主Venkateswara和Padmavathi呆在罗马满足信徒的意愿。


There have been many stories for God’s existence in this place. In order to understand in simple terms, the Lord Venkateswara came on to the hills as per the request of Saint, the Seven Hills. Another story being that after the Lord Krishna incarnation, there were no incarnations on earth, as such adharma took wings, innocents and devotees are ill-treated by wicked and wrong minded persons. So, in order to help the people on earth, Maharishi Narada along with other sages requested trimurthi (Lord Vishnu, Brahma and Shiva) and the Lord Vishnu pleased and accepted their request and came down to earth. There is also another story in form. Once upon a time a king by name Akasa Raja belonged to Lunar race came to rule Tondamandalam. As he has no heirs, he performed some poojas and sacrifices of wealth and land. At one time, when the land was being ploughed before giving as sacrifice, a lotus was brought up by plough and there on one female child was found in it. The king became happy to find a child and brought up her by naming her as Padmavathi. While going on like this, Lord Srinivasa, who went on hunt of a wild elephant in the forests around the hills. In the process, the Lord went into a garden, where the princess Padmavathi was picking flowers along with the maids. On seeing the elephant, the princess along with maids were frightened, but in the next moment, the elephant turned around with salute to both the Gods and disappeared into the forest.  Later Lord Srinivas saw the Padmavathi and interested in her, thereafter, went back to his palace and informed his mother Vakula Devi about his wish and would like to marry Padmavathi. Thereon, she learnt about the previous birth story of both Lord Srinivasa and Padmavathi as Lord Vishnu and Lakshmi and promise to marry Padmavathi in this life.  So, mother Vakula Devi proceeded to Akasa Raja and queen to persuade them to the marriage and succeeded. On the occasion of marriage, Lord Kubera lent money to Lord Srinivasa to marry Padmavathi. Thereafter, the both Lord Venkateswara and the Padmavathi are staying on Seven Hills by fulfilling the wishes of devotees.

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