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在另一份报告(布鲁克斯,1999年)当一个高铁事故死亡数十人在中国今年7月,中国共产党政府试图控制事件的媒体报道。政府官员试图规定方面的故事,可以覆盖而忽略其余;中国记者反叛,政府严厉的,引人注目的新闻管制的崩溃。这迫使许多报纸撕掉页的报道至关重要。Arthur Waldron宾夕法尼亚大学的国际关系教授,警告说,中国还远远没有新闻自由的西方民主的特征。事实是,政府能阻止报纸生产和分配。方可以实施镇压,如果他们觉得这是必要的。在许多情况下,批评中国的共产党是不允许的。一名研究助理,伊莎贝拉贝内特在对外关系委员会(Council on Foreign Relations)在很大程度上曾写过美国中美关系,说:“和深批评指向中共的统治是审查在底部,并继续well-censored。,挫折在一些事件可以被公开讨论,但只有在一定范围内,仔细操作”。沃尔德伦说。“政府更容易控制平面媒体与网络媒体。Waldron还举了个例子:“推特”,火车是用来表示中国的形象,说:“我们都这列火车上的乘客,我们走得太快。“伟大的循环。“事实上,互联网是接受政府的检查与中国的“长城防火墙”,众多的海外网站;此外,审查信息和敏感新闻也屏蔽了。


In another report (Brookes, 1999) when a high-speed train crash killed dozens of people in China in July, China’s Communist government tried to control media coverage of the event. Government officials tried to dictate aspects of the story that can be covered while ignoring the rest; Chinese journalists rebelled, the government went draconian, striking back with a news blackout on the crash. This forced many newspapers to tear up pages of crucial coverage. Arthur Waldron, a professor of international relations at the University of Pennsylvania, warns that China is far from the kind of press freedom characteristic of Western democracy. The fact is that the government can stop newspaper production and distribution. The party can impose repression if they feel it is necessary. Under many circumstances, criticism of the country’s ruling Communist party is not allowed. A research associate, Isabella Bennett at the Council on Foreign Relations who has written largely on U.S.-China relations, says “Pointed and deep criticism at the rule of the CCP is what is censored at bottom, and continues to be well-censored. In that way, frustration around some events is allowed to be publicly discussed, but only within limits, and carefully manipulated”. Waldron says. “The government has an easier time controlling print media than web media.”Waldron also cites the example of “a tweet” where the image of a train was used to indicate China and said, ‘We are all passengers on this train and we’re going too fast.’ That got great circulation.”In fact, the Internet is subjected to government inspection with China’s “Great Firewall” that blocks a multitude of overseas sites; moreover, censors information and sensitive news are also blocked.

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