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披露406-1(歧视事件和采取了纠正措施):披露的相关报告要求很少。报告时,凡发生歧视事件,公司应及时通知。应讨论偶发歧视的组织审查、补救计划的实施以及反歧视的行动。在报告时刻,组织报告必须包括政治观点、宗教、性别和社会区域。在Timberwell建筑公司的案例中,他们的一名员工向公平工作委员会(fair work commission)提出辞职,理由是工作场所受到骚扰(Minow, 2012)。关于他的指控,骚扰是基于与年龄有关的问题,他的一些同事歧视他。根据他的要求和公平工作委员会的命令,天伯伦公司应该向该员工支付4400美元的赔偿金。公平工作委员会也建议Timberwell建筑公司运用反歧视政策来保护他们的员工。




本报告对公司的经济、环境和社会因素的综合发展进行了分析。这篇论文包含了所有可持续问题的全部九套披露。从天伯恩公司的动机来看,竞争环境、经济全球化和环境法对公司的可持续经营模式有着巨大的影响。这种商业模式为公司在生产链上的管理提供了概念和操作上的影响。支持经济、社会和环境动力学的论述是无可争议的。它转变了商业实践中采用的决策模型(Demosthenous et al., 2011)。该模式的基础是一个主要满足经济和其他重大利益的概念。这些组织通过采用一些管理模式来努力设定第四盈利目标和股东报酬。


In the construction business, the socially sustainable factor includes the ethical value of the company which is responsible for the good work environment, rules and regulation, and efficiency of the employees. The social sustainable factors are discussed below with the help of GRI disclosure.

Disclosure 401-1(new workforce hire and employee turnover): As per this disclosure, the company should notify the number of employees newly hired and the number of employee’s turnover during the reporting time. During the employment, the company should be aware of the gender, age group and the region of the hiring employees. In the case of the Timberwell construction company, they had 58 male employees from different construction related professions. During the time of reporting, 17 of their employees left the company and joined the rival group, so they need to turnover 12 new employees. As a recommendation, in the time of reporting and collection of the information, the data of “general disclosures to detect the total number of employees” must be used by the construction company. The age relaxation of the hiring employees should be divided into three parts- under 30 years age, 30-50 years age, and over 50 years age.

Disclosure 406-1 (incident of discrimination and corrective actions were taken): This disclosure covers few relevant reporting requirements. In the time of reporting, the Timberwell construction should notify all the incidents of discrimination. The organizational review of the incidental discrimination, implementation of the remediation plan, and action on the anti-discrimination should be discussed. In the reporting moment, the political opinion, religion, gender, and the social region must be included in the organizational report. In the case of the Timberwell construction, one of their employees gives resignation from the company by claiming workplace harassment to fair work commission (Minow, 2012). In relation to his claim, the harassment was on the basis of the age-related issues, some of his colleagues discriminated him. By his claim and as per the order of the Fair work commission, the Timberwell Company should pay the compensation of amount $4,400 to the employee. The fair work commission also suggests the Timberwell construction company apply the anti-discrimination policy to protect their employees.


Disclosure 413-1 (operations with local community involvement, impact assessment, and development programs): The report should borrow the social, gender impact assessment report and environmental impact assessment report which provides the ability to the company to fulfil the social needs of the company, through the local community development programs. The impact assessment of the company involves the performance of the workers, occupational health and the safety of the employees and the company as well. The “general disclosures to identify the total number of operation” governing data should be included in the report of the Timberwell construction company. The development program of the Timberwell was explained by the press release of the company, which shows the implementation of the fuel consumption of the company. The expansion of this construction company illustrates the engagement of the regional communities, impact assessment including environment and economic, and the conduct of the developmental program of society.


The analysis of the integrated development of the economic, environmental and the social factors of the company is explained in this report. This paper contains all the sustainable issues with entire nine sets of disclosures. As per the motivation of the Timberwell Company the competitive environment, economic globalization and the environmental laws have a huge impact on the sustainable business model. This business model provides the conceptual and operational influence to the management of the company in the production chain. Discourses in favour of economic, social and environmental dynamics are undisputed. It transforms on the decision-making models which is adopted in the business practice (Demosthenous et al., 2011). The model is on the basis of a concept which primarily caters to the economic and other significant interests. The organizations have strived to set fourth profit making objectives and shareholders’ remunerations by adopting some models of management.

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