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尽管所有的努力都是市场上最具持续性的品牌,但从2016年到2017年,阿迪达斯的销售额却在美国下降。这是由于竞争对手耐克(Nike)的激烈竞争,后者利用了阿迪达斯(Adidas)糟糕的产品周转周期,大约18个月。1980年,阿迪达斯失去了许多对耐克的认可,因为当时他们已经和迈克尔·乔登达成了一项潜在的代言协议。据《福布斯》称,即使在30年后,乔丹品牌也为耐克公司赚取了数十亿美元的收入。阿迪达斯在2005年斥资38亿美元收购耐克(Mahdi et al .,2015)。锐步已经处于糟糕的状态,阿迪达斯不得不将其资源从主要品牌转移,以改善锐步的状况。阿迪达斯一直专注于商业创新,但它也应该专注于其在美国的主要品牌,这与德国有着不同的心态。阿迪达斯关注的主要领域是为其品牌带来更多的美国风味,并将其产品的周转时间从目前的18个月减少到至少6个月。


Despite all massive efforts to evolve as the most sustainable brand in the market, Adidas sales were seen to fall in America from 2016 to 2017. This is due to close competition from its rival brand Nike, which took advantage of Adidas’s poor product turnaround which is approximately 18 months. In 1980, Adidas lost many of its endorsements to Nike as they had passed a potential endorsement deal with Michael Jordon at that time. According to Forbes, even after 30 years, the Jordon brand is earning revenue of billions of dollars for Nike. Adidas invested heavily in Nike with a $3.8 billion acquisition in 2005 (Mahdi et al., 2015). Reebok was already in bad shape and Adidas had to divert its resources from the main brand to improve Reebok’s condition. Adidas has been focusing hard on business innovations but it should also focus on its main brand in America which has different mind-set from Germany. The major areas of concern for Adidas are to bring more American flavour to its brand and reduce the turnaround time of its products to at least 6 months from the current 18 months.

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