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新西兰的咖啡产业是餐饮业的一部分。新西兰惠灵顿的咖啡馆文化已经延续了一个多世纪。新西兰惠灵顿有一些传统的茶室,是由Courtenay Place的俱乐部茶室建立起来的,现在已经不存在了。从20世纪80年代至今,随着新一代咖啡饮用者的出现,咖啡文化也随之兴起。咖啡馆文化不再被视为只存在于有影响力或精英阶层。事实上,它被认为是所有消费群体的社会文化的一部分。

惠灵顿自诩为美食之都,以各式各样的餐厅和咖啡馆而闻名。全市有300多家咖啡馆,据说人均占有量超过纽约市(New Zealand Hisotry, 2016)。咖啡行业的主要竞争对手有星巴克、野豆、风车等。

新西兰餐饮行业的Cafe industry group由Cafe and restaurants、takeaway food services、餐饮部services、pub、taverns and bars以及clubs组成。其中,2012年,咖啡馆和餐厅部门的价值为3485万美元。从2008年到2012年,它一直保持在30亿的水平。其中奥克兰地区、坎特伯雷地区和惠灵顿地区被认为是对市场价值贡献最大的地区。



Researchers suggest that despite there being much exposure on why it is necessary for businesses to have a very defined strategy, small scale businesses might still forge ahead without much defined objectives or clear strategy as such. (Hanna et al, 2011). Businesses might make plans for a social media platform usage and may remain active in a few platforms. Remaining active on only one or a few selective platforms makes these business have interaction with customers and customer might not be satisfied with marketing information posted only on one of the social media platform.

Contemporary social media marketing strategies focus on a more comprehensive media marketing mix as defined in the 4Ps (Place, Price, Presence, Produce) and the 7Ps (Place, Promotion, people, Physical evidence, process, Product, Price) marketing framework. Social media marketing is defined as the process by which website traffic to a business social media site is gained. Usually the definition includes the content that is used to encourage the consumer to interact with an online website of a business or use the online information to interact with the business in person. The advantage of social media is that the business is able to connect with the consumer outside their brick and mortar presence. Electronic word of mouth marketing is usually defined with social media marketing and is a unconventional form of the word of mouth marketing in that, this happens on the internet or the social media space.

Social media entry without a defined strategy is hence as much a threat to a business as one that does not have any media strategy at all. Social media strategies have to be well planned, have to be comprehensive and should also ensure that it is planned around a goal. Media strategies have to fit the needs of the company, and furthermore should try to understand all actors in the marketing media space, such as the ones that the marketing is trying to reach, the ones who will be used in marketing, etc. The purpose of the project proposal is to present the need for a social media marketing strategy for Truffle Café which would help increase the number of customers for the Café.

1.1 Industry Background

The café industry in New Zealand is one part of the restaurant and hospitality industry. Wellington, New Zealand has a café culture that extends to more than a century. There are traditional tea rooms in Wellington, New Zealand were created with the establishments of what were called the Club tea rooms in Courtenay Place and they do not exist anymore. Since 1980s to current times, cafe culture has increased with the emergency of a newer generation of coffee drinkers. Café culture is no longer viewed as existing only for the influential or for the elite. It is in fact considered as part of the social culture across all consumer segments.

Wellington promotes itself as a culinary capital, famous for its variety of restaurants and cafés. There are more than 300 cafés throughout the city, reputedly more per capita than New York City (New Zealand Hisotry, 2016). The key competitors in the coffee industry are Starbucks, Wild Bean, Wind Mill and more.

The Café industry group of the hospitality industry in New Zealand is made up of café and restaurants, takeaway food services, catering services, pubs, taverns and bars, and clubs as well. Of this, the Café and restaurant segment is valued at 3,485 $million in 2012. It has consistently stayed in the three thousand million level over the years from 2008 to 2012. Of this, the Auckland region, the Canterbury region and the Wellington region are seen to have been the highest contributors to the market value.

From the industrial context, the background of café culture in Wellington, it can hence be understood that Wellington is a competitive place for Truffle Café.

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