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尽管妇女在政治和性别平等方面的参与取得了发展和进展,但公平原则仍然是完整和明确的。性别平等的差距仍然存在,因为它没有被纳入决策和权力结构的民主化进程(Olsson, 2009)。妇女的代表性不足主要是由于性别的定型观念、家庭和工作之间冲突的增加、贫穷的大量增加以及父权制,因为这是一个以男性为主的社会。除了这些问题之外,还有一些问题,例如政治环境的无能、妇女资金的不足、完全没有妇女榜样和在政治参与方面缺乏训练等。关于已经通过消除对妇女歧视公约的国家,据透露,该国对该公约的法律遵守程度极低(Aasen & Hellum, 2013)。消除对妇女歧视委员会保证了在巴基斯坦没有得到的平等教育机会。妇女在社会中所占的地位是极不平等的,这种变化稳步向前推进一点也不奇怪。性别方面的差异在大多数国家仍然普遍存在,这主要是由于提倡征服和隔离或孤立妇女的宗教原教旨主义。由于消除对妇女歧视委员会未能为妇女创造一个成功的职位,这一问题极其重要和普遍。


在各种研究的帮助下已经证明,暴力在阻止妇女行使其公民身份以及在决策过程中发挥着重要作用,这主要是由于对妇女的成见。这些因素是极其重要的,加上上面提到的其他因素。性别平等的反对所造成的效率低下和咄咄逼人的气氛使妇女远离了她们的竞选活动。统治社会的男性都秘密地使用暴力来恐吓女性候选人及其支持者。文化边缘化的问题在限制妇女受教育机会的席位方面具有巨大的影响(Gregory, 2003)。这种边缘化造成了技能和资格的缺乏,从而导致了高文盲率的增长。这些组织不打算为这些妇女提供资金。这些可以被认为是限制妇女在正式和非正式社会中的参与和地位的一些因素。除此之外,还有一些宗教和传统习俗将女性置于家庭角色的劣势(Wolper & Peters, 1995)。这些家庭角色使他们处于一种被排斥的状态,有时甚至在他们试图成为政治的一部分时,他们的家庭就会做出暴力反应。尽管对妇女作出了所有承诺,这些政党在促进妇女不仅参与政治结构而且在其他方面也作出了极为微小的努力。


In spite of the development and progress of the participation of women in terms of political and gender equality the principles of equity are yet integrated and articulated. The gap in the gender equality still remains as it has not been integrated in the process of democratization in the structures of decision making and power (Olsson, 2009 ). The under representation of women is mainly due to the stereotyping of gender, the rise in the conflict between family and work, immense rise in poverty and patriarchy as this is a male dominated society. Along with these problems there are certain problems like the incapacity of the political environment, the inadequacy in the funding of women, a complete absence of female role models and incapacity of training in terms of political participation. With respect to countries that have adopted CEDAW, it was revealed that it had an extremely low level of legislative compliance with this convention (Aasen & Hellum, 2013). The CEDAW guaranteed equal educational opportunities which were not applied in Pakistan. The place of women is extremely unequal in the society and it is not at all surprising that the change is coming forward steadily. The disparities in terms of gender are still prevalent in most of the countries mainly due to the fundamentalism of religion which advocates the subjugation and the seclusion or the isolation of women. The matter is extremely critical and widespread as CEDAW has failed to create a successful position for women.


It has been demonstrated with the help of various researches that violence plays a major role in preventing women to exercise their citizenship and also in the process of decision-making which is mainly due to the stereotyping of women.These factors are extremely critical and add up to the other factors that have been mentioned above. The inefficient and the aggressive climate which has been created by the opposition of the gender equality push women away from their campaigns. The male that dominated societies all secretly make use of violence in order to scare the women candidates and their supporters. The matter of cultural marginalization can be treated to have an immense impact in limiting the seats of women’s educational opportunities (Gregory, 2003). This marginalization has led to the growth of high illiteracy rate by creating an absence of both skills and qualification.The organizations do not intend to fund for the women. These can be considered to be some of the factors that restrict the participation and position of women in the society both formally and informally. Apart from all these there are also certain religious and traditional practices that assign women in an inferior position with respect to the household roles (Wolper & Peters, 1995). These roles of the household leave them in a state of rejection and sometimes even a violent reaction from their families the moment they try to be a part of politics. In spite of all the commitments made to women, these parties have done extremely minimal efforts in promoting the participation of women not only in the political structure but also elsewhere.

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